DEW Drabbles - Winter Weather

Nov 24, 2019 00:07

Three drabbles written for this prompt on spn_bigpretzel DEW - theme: winter weather; character: any

Title: Warm Nights
Characters: Donna and….
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: The snowstorm has spoilt Donna’s plans for the evening - or has it ( Read more... )

rating: pg, author:jj1564, dean, bobby, jack, sam, donna, fic: gen, dew, drabbles, john, fic: het

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Comments 8

ellerkay November 24 2019, 02:25:06 UTC
MY HEART!! I love all of these - Dean and Donna are a wonderful pairing, and that was so charming. I love that Baby ships them, too. :D

The boys being dads to Jack and Bobby being a dad to the boys are two of my favorite dynamics. You wrote them beautifully. LOVE!


jj1564 November 24 2019, 17:19:30 UTC
Thanks so much! I think Baby would ship Donna and Dean because she always wants the best for him!

I love Bobby with Sam and Dean as kids, and his brand of 'gruff' love. It's a shame the boys didn't get more time to be dads to Jack.


fanspired November 24 2019, 03:55:41 UTC


jj1564 November 24 2019, 17:19:39 UTC
Thanks so much x


dizzojay November 24 2019, 20:18:03 UTC
heehee, three out of three - I love them all!

It looks like Barry approves of Dean and Donna together - I could totally seem them together too!
And yes, I think Jack is weird too - when it snows, you need a cattle prod to get me out in it!
And for the last one, all I can see is - thank goodness for Bobby!


jj1564 November 24 2019, 22:46:42 UTC
Aw, thanks so much! I love Dean and Donna together and I'm pleased Barry approves! Jack was just so excited to see the snow, he'd soon get as tired of it as we all do eventually! Good ol' Uncle Bobby :)


dizzojay November 24 2019, 22:49:05 UTC
I meant 'Baby' approves of Dean and Donna!!!


jj1564 November 24 2019, 22:50:09 UTC
Hee hee hee, I did wonder if that's what you meant, now I know your pet name for Barry!


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