DEW Drabbles - Winter Weather

Nov 24, 2019 00:07

Three drabbles written for this prompt on spn_bigpretzel DEW - theme: winter weather; character: any

Title: Warm Nights
Characters: Donna and….
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: The snowstorm has spoilt Donna’s plans for the evening - or has it?

It was a cold night, snow falling heavily. Donna’s plans for her night off were scuppered; he’d never make it. Sighing, she snuggled under her fleecy throw to watch TV, wearing her comfy pyjamas, with a mug of cocoa and a plate of cookies.

A knock on the door startled her; she hadn’t realised she’d fallen asleep. She opened it and he was there, smiling at her, holding a bag of donuts.

“Dean! How in all that’s holy did you get here?”

“It’d take more than a few feet of snow to stop my Baby gettin’ me to my girl.”

Title: Weird Kid
Characters: Jack, Sam and Dean
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: Jack loves his first experience of snow.

“It’s so beautiful!” Jack gasped, looking around the snow-covered motel parking lot.

“What is?” Sam asked, confused. “Oh yeah, I forgot you’ve never seen snow before.”

“Can I touch it?”

“Sure, but it’ll be really cold.” Sam warned.

Jack tentatively touched the snow laying on the Impala’s roof. “Wow!” he laughed. “That’s so….soft and cold!”

“Dean’ll be pissed; he hates it when his Baby gets covered.”

“I’ll clear it off, it will be fun!” Jack grinned and started to wipe the snow away.

Dean appeared, scowling at the snow, then asked. “What’s he doing?”

“Having fun.”

“Kid’s weird.” Dean smiled.

Title: Coats, Boots and Pie
Characters: John, Bobby and Dean
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: John’s not really prepared his sons for winter in Sioux Falls, Thank goodness for Bobby and pie.

Bobby frowned when he saw what the boys were wearing.

“Hey, father-of-the-year, where’re their winter coats and boots?”

John rummaged in the boot of the Impala. “Here, Dean’s old ones’ll fit Sam.”

“What about Dean?” Bobby asked.

“Get him something from Goodwill, I left you enough cash.”

Sam had already gone inside, but Dean liked waving goodbye to his dad and was shivering next to Bobby.

“Looks like we’ll be heading into town later,” Bobby smiled.

“Don’t worry about me, Uncle Bobby, my jacket’s fine.”

“Not for winter in Sioux Falls it ain’t. We’ll stop off for pie.”

Dean grinned.

rating: pg, author:jj1564, dean, bobby, jack, sam, donna, fic: gen, dew, drabbles, john, fic: het

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