Team Trick - Three Drabbles

Oct 31, 2019 15:26

Team Trick - Three Drabbles - Halloween Team Drabble Challenge

Title: Party Time
Characters: Rowena, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Summary: Rowena sets the mood for a party.
Word Count: 240

Mist swept through the room, as the lighted candles cast shadows on the walls. Rowena clapped her hands together, satisfied with the atmosphere she had managed to create. Her eyes sparkled as she took in the room - the full effect of her spooky ideas having come together, making the room one would be proud to cast spells in.

She turned her attention to the large black cauldron tucked back behind a table lined with platters of food - offerings to those she was about to call forth. “That won’t do,” she said, seeing how the table blocked the view of the cauldron. With a flick of her wrist and a small exertion of magic, the table moved back while the cauldron moved to take center stage so it was the first to be seen when a person entered the room. “Well, that’s much better.” She stepped back to eye her handiwork. “Perfect,” she announced as she walked toward cauldron. She stirred the liquid, making sure contents were mixed well. Movement caught her attention, she looked up and smiled as the Winchesters walked in. “Well, boys, what do you think?”

“Ah, impressive since this was the war room just an hour ago,” Dean grudgingly admitted.

“It’s amazing what a little magic can accomplish,” Rowena explained.

“Is that . . . is that a potion?” Sam asked as he pointed to the cauldron.

Rowena gave a laugh, “Don’t be silly, that’s the punch for the party.”

Title: Trick-Or-Treating
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Bobby
Summary: Bobby takes the boys trick-or-treating.
Word Count: 290

Bobby could feel the anticipation coming from Sam and Dean as if it was his own. He watched as the younger boy fidget, first tugging on the hem of his pirate costume and then smoothing it out as he sat on the couch. He smiled when he saw Dean clasp Sam’s hand in his, stopping his movements. He heard Dean’s slightly older voice speaking to Sam, calming him.

“It’s almost time. When Bobby tells us, we can go trick-or-treating. It’s free candy,” Dean whispered.

“Free candy?” Sam asked as his hazel eyes opened wide in surprise as he took in Dean’s words.

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool.”

“We don’t have to do anything for it?” Sam asked, shocked at the idea of something being free.

Dean shook his head. “Nah, we just gotta wear our costumes and blend in like the other kids.”

“Cool,” Sam whispered with a wide smile.

Bobby couldn’t hide the grin as he stepped into the room, ready to announce that it was time to go trick-or-treating. “Okay, boys, it’s time. Remember to stick together. Dean hold your brother’s hand.”

“Yes, Sir,” Dean replied as he stood up, taking Sam’s smaller hand in his.

Sam looked up at Bobby, “Bobby, did you know we get free candy tonight?”

“Yeah, buddy, I did. Come on, we gotta go before all the good stuff is gone,” Bobby replied as he ushered them out into the darkened night and on to their first stop of the night. He stood back and watched as the boys, still holding hands, ran up the walkway, rang the doorbell and yelled ‘Trick-or-treat’ to the woman who opened the door. It was good to see them being just little kids, if only for one night.

Title: What Is This?
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Summary: Sam buys them Halloween costumes.
Word Count: 220

Sam looked down at the items in his hands with a wide grin on his face. Dean wasn’t going to be too thrilled, but he didn’t care. Dean had lost the bet and now it was time to pay up. He walked into the kitchen and placed one of the items on the table in front of Dean. He stepped back and watched as Dean looked at the item and then up at him, a look of bewilderment turning to shock.

“What the hell is that?” Dean demanded.

“Your Halloween costume,” Sam replied.


“Yes.” Sam crossed his arms over his chest, letting his brother know he wasn’t giving in, not this time. “Fair is fair. You lost the bet.”

“But . . .”

“No buts, no begging, no backing out.” Sam watched as Dean’s face darkened in frustration with the knowledge that he wasn’t getting out of wearing the costume.

Dean stood, picked up the costume and held it out in front of himself. “What is this? This is a dress!”

“It’s called a toga and you’re wearing it. So, suck it up!” Sam turned on his heel and stalked out of the kitchen, leaving Dean to reconcile the fact that not only had he bet and lost at playing Rock-paper-scissors with him, but he also had to wear matching Halloween costumes.


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