Team Treat - 2 drabbles

Oct 31, 2019 14:01

Title: Halloween Wish
Characters: Jody, Donna
Rating: Gen/G
Genre: Femmeslash (Jody/Donna), fluff
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All for fun, none for profit.
Summary: Donna's a little wistful that the Wayward girls are too old for family Halloween.

“Where are the girls?” Donna asked.

“Off at a party,” Jody replied.

Donna sighed. “Oh. I guess that makes sense.”

“Something wrong, babe?”

Donna shrugged, forcing a smile. “I guess I just wish that I could have seen them growing up. Put them in cute costumes when they were too little to choose their own. Seen what they wanted when they were older. Taken them trick-or-treating.”

Jody tilted her head at her. “You know… We could have that with a baby of our own.”

Donna’s eyes lit up. “You’d want that?”

Jody kissed her gently, smiling. “With you? No question.”


Title: Costume
Characters: Dean, Sam, John
Rating: Gen/G
Genre: Weechesters, fluff
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All for fun, none for profit.
Summary: Ten-year-old Dean is more than ready to get out and start trick-or-treating.

“Come on, let’s go!” Dean called impatiently. Dad and Sammy finally emerged from the bathroom. Sam was wearing Dean’s old clothes, still a little big for him.

Dean frowned. “What’re you going as?” he asked. This reveal of Sam’s secret costume was rather underwhelming.

Dad was smiling. “He’s you, Dean,” he said. “The only thing he wanted to be for Halloween was you.”

Dean blinked, swallowing past a lump in his throat. “Oh… Wow, you look good, Sammy.” He cuffed Sam on the shoulder. “You make a better me than me.”

Sam beamed and they set off into the night.


fic: slash, drabble, jody, dean, halloween team drabble challenge, sam, rating: g, donna, fic: gen, drabbles, john

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