Team Trick - Three Drabbles - Halloween Team Drabble Challenge
Title: Bobbing For Apples
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Summary: Dean decides Sam needs to learn how to bob for apples
Word Count: 155
“Dean, what the hell is that?” Sam asked as he stood, staring at the large round metal tub filled with water and apples.
“Huh?” Dean asked as he walked into the bunker’s kitchen where he had set up the tub. “What’s what, Sam?”
“That,” Sam said in an exasperated voice as he pointed to the tub.
Dean looked at him, with a mischievous gleam in his green eyes and a grin on his lips. “That’s an apple dunking tub. You should know what it is since you threw up in one.” He gave Sam a smirk when he saw his features darken with anger.
Sam narrowed his eyes at Dean. “And why do you have one?” he asked through gritted teeth.
“So I can teach you how it’s done . . . without throwing up,” Dean snickered.
“Yeah, go ahead, that way, I can hold your head down under the water until you pass out,” Sam countered back.
Title: Cemetery Story
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, others
Summary: While on a salt and burn, Sam and Dean encounter something unexpected.
Word Count: 300
“Alright, let’s get this over with, then we can go grab a beer,” Dean said as he set the tip of the shovel to the packed earth. “Why can’t we ever do a salt and burn in the daylight?”
“You know why, you know we can’t exactly illegally dig up a grave, pry open the lid and burn the body. There would be no way we could explain that away,” Sam stated as he joined him.
Before either could start digging, they heard laughter coming from a few rows over. “What the hell was that?” Dean asked.
Sam’s brows furrowed as a scream stopped him from answering. Dropping their shovels, they took off running. Dean stopped short when he saw what had caused the noise. “What the . . .”
“What’s wrong, what is it?” Sam questioned as he came to a stop behind Dean to look at what was going on.
Sitting among a row of graves was a group of teenagers with lit candles lining the top of the headstones. The group gave a collective scream of surprise when they noticed the two men standing a few feet away from them.
Raising his flashlight, shining it over the group, Dean demanded “What’s going on here?”
One teenager spoke up, “We were just telling scary stories.”
“Well, you need to clean up and go home. Now,” Dean stated.
“Yes, sir,” one called out as they scrambled into action, blowing out the candles and tossing them into a bag.
Sam and Dean watched as the teenagers ran from them.
“That was a dick move.”
“Yeah, well it got them out of here before we started the salt and burn. Those kids would have gotten in the way or worse, hurt.”
Sam nodded his head in acknowledgment, “Speaking of, let’s get back to it.”
Title: Dress Up
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury
Summary: Charlie gets dressed up for Halloween.
Word Count: 300
Charlie applied the last of the green makeup to her face, checked out her reflection in the mirror and nodded her head in satisfaction. Turning away, she flicked off the bathroom light, grabbed her hat and head out to find Sam and Dean. She heard their voices as she approached the command room. “This is gonna be great,” she whispered to herself. She waited until she heard their conversation stop and then popped out, cackling, “I’ll get you my, my pretties, and your little dog, too!”
Dean raised his head up from the book in front of him, green eyes wide as he took in the sight before him. He sputtered and then turned to look at Sam in disbelief.
Sam eyed Charlie standing before him dressed in a black gown, black hat, carrying a broom in one hand with her skin painted with green makeup. “Hey, Charlie, uhm, so what’s going on?”
Charlie’s shoulders sank as she realized they weren’t dressed in costumes, or scared by her sudden appearance. “Guys, come on, it’s Halloween. Why aren’t you dressed up?”
“We don’t celebrate Halloween,” Dean responded and then looked at Sam for backup when Charlie started to pout.
“Dressing up, it’s really not our thing, but you look awesome.”
“Fine, whatever,” Charlie said, dejectedly as she turned to walk away.
Dean pinched the bridge of his nose and then called out to her, “What, I know a bar that’s having Halloween karaoke. You’ll fit right in.”
Charlie turned to look at Dean. “Really? You’ll both come?”
Dean looked at her and then Sam, “Sure, why not.”
“You’re the best!” She cackled and pointed her broom at them.
“Don’t make me regret this, or throw water on you,” Dean griped as he grabbed his keys and jacket.
“Never,” Charlie breathed out.