Spring Fic Exchange - Second Call For Artists

Apr 29, 2019 09:26

banner by dizzojay

Edit: I'm happy to announce that all fics have now been claimed!
Just for clarity, I'll post a schedule of authors and artists soon.

I'm just reposting this call for artists at the Spring Fic Exchange...

Posting date for this challenge is 24th May, so time is marching on, and we still have three wonderful story ideas who are looking for artists.

Can you help??

Just for ease of reference, the stories who are still looking for their artists are:

Author: crucis01
Recipient: candygramme
Original Prompt: Dean's Memory Foam Mattress Forgets Him
Title: Agatha Chrisitie's Got Nothing On Me
Synopsis: After a difficult case, a highly medicated Sam and Dean return to the bunker. When Dean realizes his beloved mattress has forgotten him, Sam decides to check the 'case' out by investigating like Agatha Christie, but his attempts are more Pink Panther!
Snippet: Anyone walking the halls of the bunker would have seen a rather strange sight. A six foot four inch Sam trying to hide while peering around around a door checking out his brother's room. With his head bent to the side, Sam didn't realize in his medicated state that hazel eyes looking into a room while trying to hide his rather large body would be impossible to ignore.

If the one seeing this was already puzzled, what they saw next would have had them heading for a psych eval. Sam dropping to the floor and undulating much as a snake would, entered Dean's room and tried to sneak up on the bed. Under the mattress, around the mattress, prodding, pinching, and jabbing at it like a drunken boxer.

Down the hall could be heard a broken voice muttering about a lost love and broken trust.

It was a strange time in the MoL Bunker

Author: candygramme
Original Prompt: "Dean stared in horror at the baked goods. It seemed this pie hadn't just turned out bad, it was evil."
Title: "Just One Bite"
Synopsis: Dean bought the most amazing cherry pie from a pop-up bakery and took it home to the bunker, sneaking through the bunker's corridor so that Sam doesn't see it. He takes it into the kitchen at midnight , once Sam is sleeping, and decides to cut himself a slice, at which point the pie raises its pastry lid and chomps down on Dean's hand, capturing him and immobilizing him. Dean is held captive of a killer pie that is determined to eat him. By the time Sam finally hears him, the pie has managed to nibble all the way up to Dean's elbow, and Sam has to find a way of saving his brother from the predatory pastry. The Pie is finally persuaded to release Dean when they returned to the pop-up bakery and the proprieter, (who looks a lot like Gabriel) thanks them profusely and demands that the pie drop him, which it does with very ill grace.
As Dean glowers and sulks, the pie utters a deep, evil laugh, flapping its pastry crust as it slinks off to it's pet carrier. Dean is left to contemplate his greed, and the fact that the sleeve of his shirt has been digested already.
"It's a *pie*, Dean, not a demon," Sam rolled his eyes in disgust. "Dangerous only to the taste buds."

The pie made a chomping sound as it took in another couple of inches of his arm. "Then why is it munching its way up my arm, Sammy? It wants to devour me utterly!"

"Dean, you're hallucinating, I think." Sam studied the offending confection and frowned. "That's just stupid," he said, poking it, then promptly dropped to the ground and covered his head as the pie snapped at him.

"Told you," Dean announced grumpily. "It's not even selective. My death won't even be meaningful."

Author: theymp
Recipient: jdl71
Original Prompts:

  • Dean has been hurt on a hunt and is delirious. Aside from wanting to pet Sam's hair, he keeps telling Sam he's the best husband in the world.
  • Dean and Sam find themselves in a new reality where they aren't brothers, but a married couple that own a bar.
  • Sam and Dean aren't only brothers but a mated pair with Sam as the alpha and Dean as his omega. What kind of trouble can this cause for them?
Working Title: Untying the Knot
Synopsis: Dean's mortally wounded, so Sam uses another wish pearl to save him, but instead they're whisked to a very alternate world. At first, all seems great but then their bodies and minds start to adapt to match the new reality. Will they accept the cost of the changes or work to get back?

When Sam arrived in the room, his brother seemed to be staring off into space,

“What is it?” Sam asked. His eyes were drawn to a large, framed photo on the desk. It showed him and Dean dressed in tuxedos, sipping champagne, and with their arms wrapped tight around each other’s waists. He gestured at the picture with an amused snort. “It almost looks like we’re-“

“-married,” gasped Dean, pointing to another frame. This one was hung on the wall and held a fancy, official-looking document.

Sam eyes scanned the... marriage license, even as he struggled to take in the details. Nope, that is definitely my name.

Although, Dean here -- wherever ‘here’ was -- appeared to be a ‘Smith’, and both of them had what looked like a different Greek letter written after their names.

“Oh, I'm not a Winchester,” said Dean in a small disappointed voice.

“But it looks like you took it,” said Sam consolingly, after a cursory glance at the invoices and other   correspondence piled up on the office desk. For some reason, the thought of even an ‘other’ Dean taking his name sent a warm, thrilling tingle through Sam’s body. It felt good.

Dean gave have him an odd look and slapped his arm in jest. “Did you just growl, you weirdo?”

Sam shrugged and again there was a sense of his body not feeling quite like his own. “Maybe, I dunno,” he mumbled. He still felt weird, but it also just felt right.

We're not asking you for a Big Bang's worth of work, just a title banner, and if you can manage anything else, then all well and good!

If you've already signed up to illustrate a story in this year's fic exchange, now's your chance to take on a second story if your muse is feeling particularly prolific.

If you fancy taking on any of these awesome story ideas, then please hop onto our claiming post HERE and make your intentions known in the comments section, then feel free to go right ahead and contact the author to get those ideas flowing.

Alternatively, if you don't mind boosting this signal then that would be awesome!

Thanks in advance, let's make sure that we continue the Spring Fic Exchange tradition of great stories complemented by fantastic art, that makes this wonderful challenge so dear to us all!

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