The Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - The Final Three

Feb 15, 2018 00:09

I hope I'm not too late, it's still the 14th here for twenty more minutes!

My three final drabbles written for the
spn_bigpretzel Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge.
Title: The Bittersweet Box
Character: Dean
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dean has a special box for special memories.

It’s a battered old box but I kinda love it, and what’s inside, too. The few family photos that we got from the old house in Lawrence and some Bobby gave me are in it. A photo of me, Lisa and Ben, we’re all smiling. A Valentine’s card from Cassie. Ticket stubs from a Metallica gig.

Sam’s report cards and a swimming medal he won. His first tooth, a lock of hair from his first haircut. Damn, this makes it sound kinda witchy, but it’s just a box of bittersweet memories.

I guess I’m lucky to have some sweet ones.

Title: Letters of Love
Character: Sam
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Sam’s kept Dean’s letters all these years.

Sam keeps a folder of letters in his desk drawer. He kept them in his duffel for years, but now he has a place to store them properly. They’re letters Dean wrote to him while he was at Stanford. He told Sam about the latest hunt, about his favourite diners, and about the crappy motels he stayed in, which often made Sam laugh aloud “It’s not just got corny décor Sam, it’s all made of corn - seriously!”

And Dean always sent Sam some money for books or whatever he needed.

They weren’t love letters, but they were letters of love.

Title: Slinky Love
Characters: Dean and Sam
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dean kept the giant slinky and the Bunker stairs are great for it.

Dean waited for Sam to go before he nipped to his bedroom, then ran up the stairs. Sam may have given this to him - best present ever - but Dean still felt a little stupid doing it when Sam was around. He got to the top step, placed his giant slinky down and nudged it, watching with a smile as it flip-flopped down the Bunker’s stairs.

“Having fun there, Dean?” Sam’s voice startled him.

“Sam, what...” Dean wasn’t blushing, not at all.

“I forgot my wallet.” Sam grinned. “I’m pleased you kept it.”


“So, can I have a go?”

sam, fic: gen, valentines day drabble challenge, author:jj1564, drabbles, dean, team bobbys pedicures

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