Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
A/N:All fics were cross posted to
holiday_prompts or
fc_smorgasbord 1. Title: My Favorite
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: Wincest
Summary/Preview: Dean loves Sam’s smiles.
One of the things Dean loved most about Sam was that he could read him like a book. Some looks drove him crazier than others. Sammy's I'm guilty but very sorry please forgive me will always top that list. The embarrassed one was always fun to see. The big brother in him would always be proud of the triumphant eureka look, Sam, got every time he cracked a case. The best one was the devious smile that let him know he was in the best kind of trouble for the night. He only wished he'd see that one more often.
2. Title: Iron Guts
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Ash really loves Jo.
Ash stared at the platters of food Jo had made for their annual Christmas bash. He really liked Jo. He had made his famous
three-minute fudge to impress her. The girl was cute but a menace in the kitchen unless it came off of the Roadhouse 's menu. He couldn't decide what was worse this year the
crispy cheese doughnuts,the
chocolate covered jalapenos, or
the owl and mice cheese balls. He was leaning towards the jalapenos after learning half were full of peanut butter and the other caramel. Ash really hoped that Ellen would go back to planing all their parties.
3. Title: No Free Samples
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Gabriel loves the old traditions.
Gabriel stood in front of the Christmas tree at the mall. He stood there looking longingly at ornaments that looked like every piece of candy and cake he could ever want. There was a rainbow of lollipops and taffy from the top to the bottom branches.The cake slices were every flavor he'd ever eaten as well a few he hadn't tasted in ages. It was pretty but it he preferred the decorating style that had fallen out of fashion years ago. He used to love to be able to sample the candies, fruits, and nuts that decorated everyone's tree.
4. Title: Call Me Claus
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Charlie loves a good cause.
Charlie made herself comfortable on the motel room bed. After having a quick chat with her boss it was decided that her services would be best served elsewhere. They thought she was too vocal about the department heads holiday bonuses. They all received the biggest bonuses the company had ever given the same year they quit donating to the local toy drive. She cracked her knuckles and opened her laptop she would make sure the toy drive had more gifts then they'd ever had before. Maybe after this, her ex-boss and his boss would see the error of their ways.
5. Title: Any Day Now
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Donna loves Christmas
Donna hurried into her Grandma's hoping that today would be the day she'd been waiting for. She's been stopping by as often as she could just hoping to see the container that she knew Grandma had filled with dried fruit and brandy. She didn't know how the grown-ups could drink brandy. At least her Grandma didn't use the weird candied fruit like some people did. Donna never liked it even if had won more blue ribbons then anything else Grandma baked. The only thing she did like about the fruitcake was it meant that Christmas wasn't that far away.
6. Title: Happy Holidays
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Sarah loves making holiday cards.
Sarah loved writing the holiday cards from the gallery. She'd always enjoyed making the perfect card for their special clients. She knew her father wouldn't spend the time or effort on them that she would. If it were up to him they would be mass bought and signed with a rubber stamp. Those just weren't special enough for them. She had heard from many of the family members that after someone had passed they've found all of her old cards from throughout the years. It took plenty of time and effort but it did set them apart from everyone else.
7. Title: Festive Daddy
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Mary loves Wee!Dean’s creativity.
Mary loved spending time with Dean. He never failed to make her smile. They had spent the morning making Christmas cards. He'd been having fun sprinkling glitter on everything he could reach. She had made the mistake of telling him how festive he'd made everything.
She stepped away to grab a towel and when she came back and found Dean had pushed his chair behind John's recliner. He declared he was makingDaddy festive while he dumped the glitter all over his napping father. She could only hope that John would think it was just as funny when he woke up.
8. Title: His Christmas List
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Dean loves to push the boundaries.
"How did I let you talk me into this, Dean?"
"Come on Sam, we've done crazier."
"Maybe, but you have to admit this is nuts. Even for us, crazy."
"How many chances do we have to sneak in here Sammy?"
"Remind me why we wanted to sneak into Henriksen's office?"
"So we can be helpful."
"Do you really think writing Please Santa I've been a very good F.B.I. agent this year. All, I want is the Winchester brothers for Christmas Love, Victor. in red paint on his wall was is helpful?"
"Name one thing he would love more than us."
9. Title: Perfection in Motion
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Dean loves their late night drives.
Dean loved nights like these. The moon was shining brightly in the sky. He could see the stars as far as he could see. Sam was sitting beside him in the passenger seat where he belonged. Sam had been reading him passages from his newest book. Dean was only half paying attention. He was happy to be on the road without a destination. He knew they'd find a job soon enough. In the meantime, he was going to enjoy their adventure on the open road. If he could find a dinner for a midnight snack his night would be perfect.
10. Title: One Good Meal
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Dean loves their traditions even when they scare him.
Dean hoped that Sammy would break tradition and grab take out for his birthday. Dean lingered as long as he could before he had little choice but to admit he was stalling. He didn't really want to skip dinner he knew that would crush Sammy. He just was afraid of the menu. The kid was a disaster in the kitchen if it didn't come out of a can or a box. Even then there was no guarantee it would be edible. Dean appreciated that he did try. Maybe this will be the first year that Sammy doesn't start a fire.