The Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - Three More

Feb 13, 2018 16:16

Three more drabbles written for the
spn_bigpretzel Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - with the theme "write about characters' love for inanimate objects or non-human/non-sentient beings".

Title: Good Vibrations
Characters: Bobby, Dean and Sam
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Bobby’s found something that relaxes him at the end of a long day.

Bobby plugged it in and glanced around a little guiltily, although he knew was alone. He sat back and relaxed, letting the vibrations do their thing. It’s just what he needed at the end of a long day, helped him unwind, along with half a bottle of the good stuff. He’d be ashamed if anyone knew, it’s not something a big tough hunter should do.

“Bobby, you home?” Dean’s voice called out.

“Damnit, don’t you idjits ever knock?” Bobby wiped himself with a towel.

“Bobby, is that a...foot spa?” Sam grinned.

“No, it’s a friggin’ goldfish bowl, genius.” Bobby growled.

Title: Sweets for My Sweet
Character: Jody and Donna
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Jody gets a phone call from a very excited Donna.

Jody put her book down with a sigh as her phone rang; so much for her quiet night in.
“Jody-o, it’s me, Donna!” Donna chirped down the line.
“Hey, Donna, you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, you betcha.”
“What’s up?”
“I came home and found a parcel on my doorstep. It’s a Valentine’s Day present, Jody. Twelve donuts with pink icing!”
“That’s nice. Any idea who they're from?”
“Sure, sure. There’s a real cute card, too, and it’s just signed D, so I thought Doug at first, y’know...”
“But it’s not Doug's doing?”
“’s from Lebanon, Kansas!”
“Wow, Donna!”
“Yep, wowzer, Jody!”

Title: The Great Jack Bake Up
Character: Jack
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Jack loves lots of things - baking cookies is his latest love.

Jack had discovered that he loved nougat, chocolate and every kind of candy that he’d tried so far. He loved cakes and cookies, so he loved watching The Great British Bake Off, but after a few disastrous attempts gave up on trying to bake cakes.

But it was Valentine’s Day and he thought cookies would be simpler. He’d even bought a heart-shaped cookie cutter and was having a great time rolling out the choc-chip cookie dough and cutting out the heart shapes.

He hoped Cas, Sam and Dean would love eating his cookies as much as he’d loved making them.

jody, rating: pg, author:jj1564, dean, bobby, team bobbys pedicures, sam, jack, donna, valentines day drabble challenge, drabbles

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