Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - Two More

Feb 13, 2018 10:16

Title: Soulless
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: Sam
Summary: Soulless Sam
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel spn_bigpretzel Valentine’s Day Drabble Challenge

Sam had discovered that not having a soul was fantastic. All the angst he felt over every little thing, gone! Like it never existed in the first place. He no longer had to worry about pleasing anyone or hurting them. It didn’t matter to him anymore. Nothing mattered to him.

Well, that’s not accurate. He mattered. His wants and needs mattered. Now all he had to worry about was himself, what he wanted or didn’t want. No more anxiety over his actions and consequences. He did what he wanted when he pleased and the rest of the world be damned.

Title: Meeting
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: Dean & Crowley
Summary: Dean and Crowley at a bar.
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel spn_bigpretzel Valentine’s Day Drabble Challenge

“Hello, darling.” Crowley’s voice rings out over the low din of the bar. But it’s loud a voice that Dean would never miss. He looks up fro his beer and rolls his eyes.

“Well, if it isn’t my least favorite douche,” Dean quips at him.

“”Sticks and stones,” Crowley waves a hand in the air. “Buy me a drink.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because I have what you need.” Crowley purrs to Dean.

“I doubt that.”

“That’s not what you said the other night.” Crowley says as he runs a hand down Dean’s arm.

“Gross, Crowley, stop touching me!”

team deaths pizzas, sam, valentines day drabble challenge, crowley, dean

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