The Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - Two More

Feb 11, 2018 14:18

Two drabbles written for the
spn_bigpretzel Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - with the theme "write about characters' love for inanimate objects or non-human/non-sentient beings".

Title: Not Needed, But Appreciated
Character: Castiel
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Castiel has a room of his own, filled with things he doesn’t really need.

Castiel is still bemused at having a room of his own. It has a bed that he doesn’t need to sleep in, but he likes to lie on it to watch Netflix or read a book.

It has a wardrobe that he doesn’t need to keep clothes in, although he does have some spares that Dean gave him. And in one of the drawers of his desk there’s something special.

Meg gave him the tiny silver unicorn as something to remember her by. He told her he didn’t need a token to do that, but he kept it anyway.

Title: Memories
Character: Jack
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Jack’s confused by the memory stick.

The small object Sam gave him was called a memory stick, but Jack didn’t understand why. Because until he had watched it, he hadn’t had that memory. Life was very confusing sometimes - well, most of the time.

He’s spent a lot of time on the laptop Sam gave him, reading things and watching videos - there’s so much violence and so many awful things in this world. But there’s also love, hope and kindness.

And when Jack watches his beautiful mom on his laptop each day, he smiles. He’s grateful for that memory stick and the wonderful memories he now has.

jack, drabble, fic: gen, castiel, valentines day drabble challenge, author:jj1564, team bobbys pedicures

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