The Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - Three

Feb 11, 2018 14:05

Three connected drabbles written for the
spn_bigpretzel Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - with the theme "write about characters' love for inanimate objects or non-human/non-sentient beings". I'm viewing animals as non-human beings here!

Title: Everyone Home Should Have One
Characters: Jack, Castiel, Sam and Dean
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100 x 3

Drabble One
Summary: Jack realises the Bunker is missing something.

Jack looks up from his laptop. “We should have a pet in the Bunker.”
“I agree.” Cas nods. “I told the Winchesters that some time ago that we need a cat.”
“We should get two, so they don’t get lonely when they’re here alone.”
“That’s an excellent idea, Jack.” Castiel says and Jack grins.
“What’s in the box?” Dean does his usual line as Jack carries the box down the Bunker stairs. Sam rolls his eyes.
“Sam and Dean, meet Ben...” Jack opens the box and takes out a tiny ginger kitten.
Castiel holds up a little black one, “....and Jerry.”

Drabble Two
Summary: Dean’s not having the kittens in the Bunker. Nope. No way.

“They’re not staying.” Dean grumbled. “The Bunker’s no place for pets.”
“But it’s your home, isn’t it?” Jack reasoned. “And 70% of homes have a pet of some kind.”
“Yes, Jack’s right.” Castiel agreed
“Who’s going to feed them when we’re away?” Sam asked.
“And where’re they gonna poop?” Dean added.
“Don’t worry, we’ve got a kitty litter tray for them.” Jack explained.
Jerry toddled across the war table on his tiny legs and rubbed his head against Dean’s hand.
“And you can stay out of it.” Dean picked him up. “Damn, you’re kinda cute.”
“Yes, he is.” Jack grinned.

Drabble Three
Summary: There’s something wrong with Jerry.

“Sammy, there’s something wrong with the little guy,” Dean cradled Jerry in his arms.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked.
“His stomach’s all swollen.”
Sam gently felt Jerry’s distended stomach. “Crap.”
“What? What is it?” Dean tried hard not to freak out. He’d become attached to the little black cat.
“Jack, Cas!” Sam yelled. They soon appeared, looking puzzled. “When you got Ben and Jerry, did the shelter tell you their sexes?”
“They did not.” Castiel replied. “They said very little.”
Sam groaned. “Jack, did you mind-whammy them?”
“If I did, it was unintentional.”
“Well, I think Jerry’s a very pregnant female.”

rating: pg, castiel, author:jj1564, dean, team bobbys pedicures, sam, jack, fic: gen, valentines day drabble challenge, drabbles

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