Big Pretzel 5th Birthday Bash!

Feb 12, 2017 11:25

Happy 5th Birthday Big Pretzel!

Wow! Can you believe it? It was five years ago that our founder,ficwriter1966 asked if I would help her with a new SPN community that would have an upbeat theme - a place to share fic, art or other things that were outright funny, or would provoke an "awwwww" response. I readily agreed and thus, spn_bigpretzel was born on February 18, 2012! We have had a variety of help over the years, including saberivojo, lolaann1 and mamapranayama. And then few years ago dizzojay came along and helped breathe much needed new life into our little comm.

Some of our original mods have moved onto other things as real life or other interests have taken precedence.  I highly recommend you go visit ficwriter1966 over at her new haunt. It is worth the trip!

But dizzojay and I couldn’t let our 5th birthday go by without a celebration. As so many people have drifted away or have gone to share their fandom experience at other places online, we are grateful that this community still has some lifeblood to it. We appreciate each and everyone you and what you contribute. And so, we will be partying, not just on our actual birthday, but throughout the rest of the month of February!

Here are some of the fun things we have planned:
  • “Oldies but Goodies” -your opportunity to rec/self- rec (or repost entirely) all of your favorite fic and art we have seen in the comm from the last five years!
  • Friending Meme- we have had some new members in the last year; wouldn’t it be wonderful to meet them and add some like-minded folks to your flist?
  • DEW- we will be having a birthday themed DEW!
  • Wish List- Is there something you would like- a fic, icon or banner, that maybe one of the comm. members could help you with? Or maybe something you could offer up as a gift? We have done this before as a way to bring us all together.
  • I need a Giant Slinky- a blast from the past that we use to offer our fellow members an internet hug or word of encouragement!

Thanks to dizzojay, we have some wonderful icons to use for these activities:

Now let’s get out there and party!

i need a giant slinky, birthday bash, dew, wish list, mod post, oldies but goodies

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