I have too much time on my hands...

Jun 10, 2008 18:57

I was budgeting my time this week so that I would be up to date with everything by today and ready to start full days at work tomorrow.  Then I called work to confirm that they had rostered me on as they said they would, and found that they didn't.  Am planning to get on Glenn's case on Thursday.  I saw him check with the ops guys that I could have the shifts, but he must've forgotten to do the paperwork on it afterwards.  He hates paperwork.  Especially shift-changing paperwork.  There are just too many forms to fill out and get approved.


Did lots of cleaning and tidying up today.  Tried out mum's treadmill and decided that it's an acceptable alternative to riding my bike if it's raining.  Still not happy with this though.  I need to get one of those exercise bike thingies.

Just got home from a rather disastrous piano lesson.  I decided to ask if we could go over the Debussy pieces, since we haven't done them in ages.  Turned out to be a mistake.  Not playing them in lessons means that I kinda slacked off on them a bit at home as I didn't have much direction for where to take them next.  It was messy.

Then we went through the Faure Nocturne.  For the record, that piece is the bane of my existence.  When I am learning a piece, I generally take a week or two to go over the notes and figure out what it's about.  Once I have an image or story in my head I know what sort of a sound I'm aiming for when we go through all the interpretation, or polishing, as my teacher calls it.  For the most part, this method works really well for me.  I've skimmed through exams before even though my technical work was way below par - they passed me based solely on my musicality in my grade eight exam.  The problem is that when I can't figure out what the piece is about, I can't play the piece.  I struggle to even learn the notes, and I'm supposed to be an excellent sight-reader.  This is why I can't play this Nocturne.  The images just completely elude me.  And to make it worse, I can't bluff my way through this piece because it's fairly technical, so I need to lean on the interpretation to get my marks.  Eep.

Britt, you need to listen the recording of this piece and tell me what it's on about.  Please!

said the llama, it was like da duum and i was like ooh

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