Quelle Excitement!

Feb 07, 2010 16:58

Months and months and months ago, I wrote all those things I keep meaning to do on little bits of paper, folded them and put them in a jug.

The plan was that henceforth, when capable of activiey but unable to get past my pathological twitchiness and indecision, I would stick my hand into the jug, pull something out and do it.

Needless to say, there's nothing like the threat of having to do this to keep you happily occupied. Until today that is, when stress and prednisolone had me doing it for what I think is the very first time.

Am happy to report that the first item had already been long since dealt with, so it got thrown out.

The second item seemed entirely redundant.

But the third item was done. Not done well, but that wasn't the point. The process was good and I feel better for having done it. In fact there was no way this particular activity was going to be well done given the lapse in time since I did it last...which is why it had, in fact, long since drifted into the too hard basket. But now I've done it, who knows, maybe I'll do it again sooner.

The second item, on reflection, is not redundant and shall be revisited shortly. It's just that it's neither urgent nor scary. So in fact it's probably a good thing to be doing now I've done one scary thing for the day.

Or I might just have a little rest...

to-do list, getting things done, getting shit together, the noodles guide to life

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