Tl;Dr Plotpile Part 2 + Tag Abuse

Jul 13, 2011 11:45

I've got a few potential ideas lined up and also some plot suggestions that I can't use because I play an antisocial grumpypants. Maybe someone else would like to make use of them...?

It's summer - take advantage of the beach! How about an adrenaline-pumping beach volleyball match? Boys versus Girls? One apartment complex versus another? Red versus Blue? Maybe even someone could organize a field day where all the districts team up and go head to head in a variety of beach and water activities?

Someone needs to do the whole melon busting thing like they do in Japan. You know where they blindfold people and they crack melons with a stick. Clearly lots of shenanigans are possible.

Or what about the tried and true (and perhaps overdone?) spa episode. Yeah.

Some sort of summer dance party. Maybe a belated Tanabata? Maybe something else entirely? Maybe something pretty and romantic at night with the lull of the surf in the background and fireflies winking in and out.

I'd love to see more cultural exchange between worlds? I know that places like Auldrant and Sylvarant/Tethe'alla are completely different from Earth so having some CR with comparing differences between religions or customs or magic systems could be a lot of fun!

So Asch has been staying up late working on stuff and has been gradually wearing himself down ever since he got to Splendor. The stress from all that is finally going to catch up with him. What does this mean? He's going to start getting even more irritable than usual, have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings, become a little absent-minded for short spurts of time and, oh yeah, apparently overexhaustion can make you sick. Headaches, sore muscles... does this sound at all familiar?

Asch is going to ignore it at first but he'll start to think the symptoms are the results of that other spoilerific thing (maybe, I mean what else could this weak feeling be... there's no way he'd ever lose to a common illness! >B|). Eventually he's going to just slump somewhere. Luke-mun has already offered to find Asch (as a generous helping of irony), but I'd love to get more people involved in this if anyone is at all interested...? Even if it's just something like your character wants to make him even more miserable. No challenge there.

I'm long overdo with this. OTL. For the fresh meat, Asch started an information network (a sort of undercover group that's trying to find out more about Splendor and figure out how to find a way out of here). It's separate from the police force (though there's a teeny bit of overlap), unofficial, you can join if you want, leave when you want. Etc. Just don't reveal the identities of everyone else on board. If you wanna tell your friends you're in some secret club, however, that's your own business.

Probably going to post another note on the bulletin board with yet another new member initiation and then immediately afterwards start discussing things. A code (codewords) is one thing, since they've established sharing information over the seals isn't exactly secure. Also they could discuss the newest wave of arrivals, the eclipse, that weird flowery smell, anything they've discovered since the first meeting, and what needs to be focused on now. Probably this'll be for August.

So far Asch's identity has remained more or less a secret, but it could be interesting to have someone figure out who he is and confront him about it eventually?

Asch and Arietta need to do stuff. Does anyone have any ideas for this I know Sipp and I were kind of stumped. Though I still think sewing would be cute but yeahh... Maybe he could ask how her "friend" reacted to the eclipse or something to kick off a plot thing. IDK bro.

I'm open to other plots too. Or stuff that's been mentioned before and never quite happened. Chances are I won't say no, even if you just need another warm body in your plot shenanigans. ^^b;

*i need angst, *i need bromance, !cast plotting, asch the bloody, *i need wishes, !cr plotting, *i need shenanigans, *i need romance, *i need something truly hideous, *i need cr, *i need fluff, *i need violence, !gamewide plotting, !individual plotting, *i need trollan/to troll, [canon] tales of the abyss, *i need dramar

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