(no subject)

May 04, 2011 14:05

I've been meaning to organize this little but possibly long-term plot for a while, and it's about time Milen gets off his butt, stops enjoying the splendorous vacation and gets back to working on his quest.


Milen's story, The Stargazer, begins with the following little poem:

" the sea fell in love with the sky and reflected her beauty upon his eye
but the sea's affection the sky did not convey, ignoring his declarations every day
until one night, determined to make one last try, he sent up waves and reached out for the sky
'please, dearest Sky, what can I do to make you mine?' when suddenly, five little stars began to shine
they shot out of the sky and fell into the earth for the sea to find and prove his worth
'find my stars and show them you are true, make them fall in love and I will love you.' "

AND SO, MILEN WAS CREATED BY THE SEA'S MAGIC TO WALK AROUND EARTH AND FIND FIVE WOMEN (or men, or creatures in Splenda) WHO WERE NOW HOSTING THE FIVE STARS THAT THE SKY SENT DOWN FOR HIM TO FIND. His job is to find them and help them fall in love! Sounds simple, doesn't it?

I didn't think so either.

To aid him in his quest, Milen carries a necklace very similar to this one with him at all times. Each of the five crystals encrusted in his necklace shine when the Star it represents is around.

He obviously can't find them here, which is no good! Despite Milen's refusal to use the wish system, he will dream about wanting to continue his quest SO BAD that he will utter the word 'I wish I could find the Stars' in his sleep and SHAZAM. One character at a time, the necklace will identify characters in Splendor as one of the Stars, turning Milen into a very determined matchmaker. Which should result in CR, whether your character actually welcomes it or not. Milen can be very persistent when he wants to.

They can be men, women, EVEN NON HUMANOID CHARACTERS, I DON'T CARE. Milen certainly doesn't discriminate.

If they become one of the Stars, they will wake up and realize they too have a necklace around their neck with a very special symbol (explanation is two paragraphs below).

It doesn't have to be an immediate thing, either, Milen can identify a character as a Star and spend some time stalking before he decides character B would probably be a good match. If you already have a match in mind, even better!

Do keep in mind, though -- if a Star falls out of love or gets his/her heart broken, the spell resets and he/she forgets he/she ever had a love interest in the first place. The same can happen here, if Splendor decides to keep true to Milen's quest.

FINALLY, my last bit of tl;dr.

The Five Stars have nicknames related to nature, so it might be fun for you to pick one you think your character would relate especially well to. Their necklace should have a symbol with it. They are The Sun, The Stone, The Thunder, The Shadow and The Bird.

I think that, if and only if I get enough offers for the role, I will throw all the character names into a mix and pick one out at random. I will try to do just one character at a time for this plot, too, just to avoid getting overwhelmed or being unable to keep up with the persistence and dedication I'd have to play out with multiple Stars involved at the same time.


*i need cr, milen, *i need shenanigans, [canon] original characters, *i need romance

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