Sep 14, 2011 04:14

All around Splendor, ACTION, morning to afternoon. OPEN.

[These last few weeks have gone by so quickly. Juggling the aftermath of Alex's vicious attacks, the disappearance of most of his co-workers and some serious technical problems with the time machine had consumed most of Trunks' time and attention. He'd managed to deal with the last one, but had regrettably failed to make progress on the other two. Before he'd even noticed, he'd already lost a month.

But Trunks is definitely out and about today. Armed with a book and a camera, he's currently going around Splendor like a tourist making the most of a short but unbelievably scenic stopover. He's walking at a pace short of jogging, stopping here and there for pictures (of anythingeveryoneeverything), pockets the pictures as soon as they develop, mumbles to (the book) himself now and then, trails a photo or two behind him as he speeds up again.

He's not really avoiding anyone apart from not barreling into them (he might've even flashed his camera at you without noticing), but the long ponytail, the light scar down one cheek and the tight look on his face don't exactly invite casual conversation.]

At the baseball field, afternoon. LOCKED.

[To Makoto. VOICE.]


[OOC: Sorry for the late return (of sorts). School work is still hammering me ;__; Downgrading to slowatus at present.]

makoto konno, taiwan, trunks

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