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lightcharms May 14 2011, 12:46:37 UTC
No, it's not weak at all. Everyone misses home. You cry and then you remember how to smile afterwards.

[Dawn's face lights up a little and Piplup chatters happily, leaning into those pats]

That's right. This is Piplup.

[Dawn smiles softly and nods]

Of course it will! We're all in this together, right? We're all strangers to this city so we all have that in common. We'll all make new friends and support each other - when you have friends by your side, everything feels a bit easier.

[She gets up to sit down next to her on the bench, leaning forward to place her elbows on her knees while hooking her fingers together to rest her chin on]

I'm not going to pretend that you will stop missing home - I don't think anyone does. But it starts hurting less. Even if we can't go back for a very long time, that doesn't mean we can't still live as happily as we can. It's another journey, isn't it? As I said, we'll all make new friends and bonds with people. And new memories too -- we can write them down in letters and journals, so our family and friends back home will be able to see what we experienced once we get home.


energybeams May 14 2011, 16:57:03 UTC
I guess you're right.

Hello, Piplup. [Any other day, she would have picked up the Pokemon and spazzed over it, but now, she simply smiles when the Pokemon chatters happily. She continues patting the Pokemon as she listens to the girl, thinking quietly to herself.

To be honest, Minori prevented herself a little from getting to know some of the people here a little too well. She's afraid that if she got to know them well, she might end up getting attached.

And even if Minori knew that the girl made sense, LOTS of sense in fact, she still had conflicting feelings. She wants the hurt to stop, but at the same time, she doesn't. She doesn't want to get too attached to this place and feel too comfortable; she might forget the feeling of home. She doesn't want to have good memories that could be better than the ones she had at home; they might overlap the memories she has from them, and she might even forget to think about the friends she treasures with all her heart. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if that happened. Yeaah, complex girl is complex.

Still, she looks up at the girl with a smile on her face.]

I guess you're right. Thanks... that really means a lot. [She sniffs and then looks at the girl a little apologetically.] I'm Minori, by the way. I'm sorry our first meeting had to be like this.


lightcharms May 15 2011, 02:15:53 UTC
[Dawn smiles back, nodding. Despite her highly intuitive understanding of emotions, Dawn was still a ten year old girl and one that thought in a fairly simple, straightforward manner. Having the heart of a traveller, it wouldn't bother her as much to meet people and then have them leave. After all, she could always meet them in the future, no?

She hoped she was able to help, even just a little]

I'm Dawn. And that's alright.


energybeams May 15 2011, 10:19:08 UTC
It's nice to meet you, Dawn. [Minori smiles at her again, and this time it's steadier. She decides to veer away from the topic and then looks at Piplup.]

It must be really nice having a Pokemon... I always wanted to have one when I was younger. [She laughs a little as she remembers her childhood.]


lightcharms May 15 2011, 21:56:37 UTC
You too.

[blinks a little]

Why didn't you go on a journey then?


energybeams May 16 2011, 03:43:19 UTC
I don't think there were real Pokemons where I was from.

[She laughs a little and then scratches the back of her head sheepishly.]

I used to go on a "journey" in my backyard though, trying to see if I could find a Togepi or a Squirtle in there.


lightcharms May 16 2011, 05:06:27 UTC
So what are your pokemon in your world?


I used to do that too. Well, I was pretty much chasing all the starly and cherrim around, pretending I was a coordinator before I was allowed to go off on my journey.


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