Wishlist-y update:
http://www.wishlistr.com/kristin/Birthday is soon.
What is up with the UCR email filtering fail lately? So. Much. Spam.
PhD exams looming. The fear is beginning. Why did I say I'd do mine early? Why?
I applied for a graduate scholarship that I'm not sure I qualify for, but we'll see how it goes. Medievalism and fantasy fiction do not generally equal social justice and feminism, but I tried to make a case for it anyway, and maybe no one else will apply.
Open House and the (dis)junctions graduate conference went well. (So glad I wasn't running the latter this year! Amanda and Laura did an awesome job and now I feel that last year's was inadaquate.) All the panels I went to were very well attended, and there were some really thought-provoking papers this year. Of course, I totally forgot to bring my paper up to the podium when it was my turn, and I started talking, and then realized it, and then thought, oh well, I can extemporize about Supernatural and demon sex and homosocial relationships just fine. So I did, and it got a very nice response from the audience. #fangirlwin.
More about the Popular Culture conference in a different and longer entry, I promise. For now, I will say that St Louis was lovely, (almost) all panels/papers were great, my own paper is tentatively being solicited by a journal, and there may be an essay collection on--you guessed it--Supernatural in the works, focusing, for a change, on the show as a text, and not on fandom and gender, which seems to be all that gets talked about, not that it's not important.
In conclusion, I must now go shoe-shopping for something to wear to the RenFaire this weekend. I'm not planning to go 100% authentic, but I do want things that are at least close modern equivalents. Hmm...