For context see here: 1. Just because you stand behind your actions under your real name, it doesn't somehow make your actions any less reprehensible or you any more respectable.
2. I keep hearing the "There was bad behavior on both sides of RaceFail 2009" meme. And you know? I'm not buying it. The bad behavior has been pretty damned public and pretty damned one-sided. And continues to be so.
3. You don't get to use the excuse "But you don't really know X" or "X is very nice in person offline" when X's online actions consistently and historically are bullying and hurtful by everyone's admission. Nor do you get to use the "People forget that there's a real person on the the side of all those pixels" to defend someone's poor online behavior, especially when that someone appears to have no regard or respect for people on the other side of those pixels themself. Will Sh*tt*rly has dug his own hole. Stop helping him.
3. You don't get to decide how I interact with the internet or my internet communities. My fannish pseudonym is just as much me as my given name, and has a lot more mileage and reputation behind it.
4. Your bad experiences with pseudonymous and anonymous individuals online does not excuse you using the same kind of tactics used against you.
4. SFF fandom? You want to know why fans of color and women continue to feel marginalized and excluded? Why we prefer pseudonyms, safe spaces, our own discussions and media fandom/events to the greater SFF community? Go look in a mirror. Why the hell would we trust you when the ostensibly professional members of your community refuse to act in a professional and ethical manner? Kathryn Cramer outed a fan, deliberately and maliciously. Why the fuck should women fans and fans of color trust any of you anymore?
5. In the end, all of this has done one simple thing - returned the conversation (once again) to the control and focus of the interests of white SFF fandom, and away from the issues of race and representation in the genre. So yeah, y'all, you're right. It is all about you. But not in a way that makes you look like anything other than bullies and charlatans. Enjoy that.
6. To bring it back around,
verb_noire is a new POC-owned and focused press that will soon be taking submissions and contributions. Go check them out.