Yeeeeeeeesh. I'm going to have to be sure to mem those authors' names to be sure I never buy a single thing from them. They're behaving like internet brats.
And yes, I completely agree with you on online behavior. Don't type it if you wouldn't actually say it.
God, it's so condescending. The way they have to slant everything and try to make those who are calling them on their behavior look cowardly or unintelligent. Because it's easier to just laugh them off then and keep the status quo.
*agrees* Everything else I have to say would devolve into rant territory fast, and I'm fighting a cold and really too busy to rant properly. But. Yes. I agree with you.
If coffeeandink had posted under an alias in this discussion, someone saying, "Actually, Person A is really coffeeandink," then linkings those names might have made sense. If there was some reason other than, "She's not using her real name and it isn't fair!!!" it might have bene understandable.
There was NO reason other than pettiness, not that I can see. The identity that mattered in this discussion was coffeeandink, not her "real name," which carries no weight behind it in these circles.
Comments 16
And yes, I completely agree with you on online behavior. Don't type it if you wouldn't actually say it.
There was NO reason other than pettiness, not that I can see. The identity that mattered in this discussion was coffeeandink, not her "real name," which carries no weight behind it in these circles.
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