It's a good thing I know that Prednisone does good things for my lungs in the end, because the shit makes me queasy and dizzy and not a little batshit wacky in the interim.
Did not expect the allergist to put me on the 'roids today, but my peakflow was down a chunk; 350 last night and this morning - out of 450, my best number - 380 by the time I got to his office, so that puts me pretty solidly in the middle of my warning zone, and I've been there for about a week, so the 'roids are probably a good call to try and get ahead of this while it's still at the beginning of the downslide. Still the timing is shitty this week, with a major recruitment visit I'm running and a bunch of deadlines for critical projects landing in the next week and a half. Why can't asthma run on MY schedule?
But, had much needed relaxing and fun weekend at
ConClave, just getting my nerd on and being
fairmer's dedicated con-wife. I totally got to be "that fan" at the one fanfic panel, when a few of us in the audience sort of took over. The panelists were good sports about it - they were aware of fic, and had written it, but neither of them were active in fanfic fandom, which is pretty much how the fic panelists at the small SF cons always fall out.
But the lovely
Anne Harris and I have plans for ConFusion, oh yes we do. And
fairmer and I should have the sekrit project running and ready to promote by then, too.
Oh, and an explanation for the cryptic "hanging out at conclave with the usual suspects. Escaped horrifying attempt at bar pickup" tweet for those who expressed a desire for clarification. So five of us, all women, were at the hotel bar Friday night, talking fic and fandom and slash and porn, the things we talk about at cons, and there were two guys (not congoers) eyeing us for a while and very obviously evesdropping. Eventually one of them came over and just parked himself down at out table and said, "I need to sit with you for a while," and proceeded to question us about the con and what we were doing in an utterly skeevetastic and aggressive manner.
We eventually ended up having to bail and leave the bar to escape. And it reminded me that I totally had one of those (this one was a congoer) at the airport on the way back from DragonCon. Guys. Really. U can't haz our attenshun.