After getting back from dinner I boot George Jr. up only to discover that my wireless card is apparently kaput. WOE. And I only briefly entertained the idea of running out to Best Buy OMG RIGHT NOW to get a new one. Really briefly. Really. But shame restraint won out and I decided it can wait until tomorrow. As soon as When Best Buy opens.
I can totally survive one evening not being jacked in from my comfy seat. Totally.
A paraphrased yet illustrative conversation with the
dwinn about my technological woes and other issues:
Me: "My wireless card is dead! DEAD!"
dwinn: Asks all the usual user support kinds of questions like "Is the light on?"
Me: "Duh."
dwinn: "That's too bad. But it is a couple of years old. And we still have ethernet cable, so you can just connect right to the modem."
Me: "Yeah, but then I'll have cable running all through the house."
dwinn: Giving me A Look. "No, you'll have to go sit in there."
Me: "What? But... But... THAT'S JUST NOT RIGHT."
dwinn: "OMFG."