Halloween and the man of my dreams.

Oct 30, 2005 19:20

How awesome is the dwinn? He's TIVOing football so I can watch "Vampire Bats" tonight. That's love, man.

And "7.0: End of the World" is on next week. So much badness. It's like nirvana.

I fell prey to faddishness and bought one of those white pumpkins that seem all the rage this year ("It's a gourd," dwinn insists). And the Halloween decorations are up (no thanks to me). Had a nice time and first ever taste of the ode to culinary excess that is turducken at _earthshine_'s party last night. I bailed on my original two costume ideas (A grey wig, a cane and a copy of the "Wheel of Time" to be a Jordan fan waiting for the end of the series; a pirate hat and a cardboard sign around my neck that said "Will plunder for food") and just did the purple wig and witch hat that I'm planning to wear to work tomorrow. Sometimes I miss the days when I'd go all out for Halloween. Then I remember the frantic hours of last-minute costume creation and think this is a much better way to go.

media_badmovies, people_love-story, people_meatspace, media_scifi, media_whore, media_disastermovies

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