Dear Writer Brain:
While I sincerely appreciate the breakthrough on the beginning of the weird Teal'c&S/Jkid!fic, can I ask that you start dishing out said breakthroughs at a more resonable hour? I mean, I don't want to sound ungrateful, as the opening to that story has been kicking my ass for months, and yes, it's partly my own fault for going to bed at 1:30 in the morning, but really, half an hour after I've gone to bed is a little inconvenient, especially when I lay there and think about it until 3:00. Can we shoot for around midnight at least? Please?
OMG! I got my diploma! I think that even though I saw the transcripts online, I must have had some lingering worry that something would go horribly wrong in the back of my mind, because the wave of relief when I opened the package stunned me stupid. Once I recovered and stopped petting the the diploma, I celebrated by gleefully recycling the three foot stack of research materials I've been accumulating over the last few years (and in the process discovered a folder of critical-to-my-project articles papers which I'd torn the office apart looking for, before giving up, crying, and spending a day with Google Scholar tracking down all the citations and thanking the powers that be that I hadn't filed my notes on those articles with the articles themselves).
And in OMG shallow news, Gateworld has a nice shot of one of the upcoming SG-1 S9 TV Guide covers (Hmm. Direct link to the photo no longer works. Link is now to Gateworld page, which has S9 and SG:A S2 plot spoilers).
Aliens should make them have sex