
Sep 30, 2005 08:33

I hate my job...I REALLY, REALLY hate my job. I use to love it, use to think it was the greatest job I'd ever had. I'm able to sit around all day and play emulators, surf the internet, just generally goof off and fuck around....but now I'm on the verge of quitting. Let me explain....

We have this policy here called and occurrence system, which means that, let's say if your late clocking in in the morning or late coming back from lunch you get 1 quarter occurrence or .25 of 1 total. If you call in sick and you have no sick leave or vacation leave you get 1 full occurrence, everyone with me so far? They allow you to have 4 no fault days which require 24 hours approval before they can be used. I was sick this week, Mon - Wed I was out and my Team lead was at UTSA (that's University of Texas @ San Antonio) for a ring selling event (I sell class rings) so I called the Team lead of Customer Service (I'm in Telesales, not outbound)to let her know I wasn't going to be in. Later Monday, I called to tell her I wasn't going to be in Tuesday and if I could use a No Fault day so I didn't get an occurrence, she said that was fine.

So come Thursday around 4:50, my team lead comes up to me and tells me that not only did I NOT get a No Fault day for Tuesday, but that Tuesday and Wednesday are No call/No shows BECAUSE I DIDN'T CALL MY TEAM LEADS PHONE. I said, "What." as a natural response,

"You weren't here, why would I have called your phone and left you a message that you wouldn't have gotten."

and she said,
"Because that's the policy, I was checking my messages everyday from the hotel."

"But then no one would have know I was sick and going to be out, everyone would have thought I just wasn't showing up."

"That doesn't matter, if I hadn't told you I wasn't going to be here what would you have done."

"I would have called your phone, but that's not the point, you WEREN'T here." (I started to get mad at that point because she was trying to justify being retarded)

"But that's what the policy says, so because you didn't call me, you get 2 no call/no shows."

"But I DID call, doesn't that mean, that because I called that I'm in fact, NOT a no call/no show?"

"But you didn't call me."

At that point I was starting to get really mad because stupid people, make me really mad when they do/say stupid things. So I just told her to leave my desk before I said something I really regretted. Now I have 6.75 Occurrences and it takes 8 to be fired. I know she hasn't really like me from the beginning because I do things a different way, not the "policy" way, but I still get my shit done. I don't want to look for another job, I don't want another job, because no other job will let me sit around and beat all the Nintendo games I never got to as a kid and pay me 11.50 an hour to do it....oh well...maybe EB or Fry's is hiring.
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