Heh. I would have thought this was funny at any time, but I find it especially ironic that this episode of
Last Comic Standing aired only a short time after
this posting. See, I'm not the only one who obsesses about bacon! Go about 45 seconds in and you'll see what I mean. ;)
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And congrats to Sabra for winning
So You Think You Can Dance! Woo-hoo! She is so warm and personable, as well as uncannily able to dance well in any genre. Good for her! Oddly enough, I started like Neil and Lauren more after they separated as partners. I don't know if they didn't bring out the best in each other or their chemistry was off, but I liked most of his routines with other people (when I only liked the hip-hop routine he did with Lauren). Anyway, this is to say that I was pleased with the entire Final Four and would have been happy with anyone winning, but I was especially rooting for Sabra. I'd also like to give a shout-out to my girl Sara for being the most featured dancer outside of the Top 4 -- you rock, Miss Von! This was great TV, I can't wait until it comes back next year.
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