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Blackbird Orchestra played their first show last night at the Comet Tavern, and I have to tell you, even if the lead singer/guitarist/lyricist wasn’t one of my closest pals, I’d still recommend them. However, I find it near impossible to describe their sound…it’s like taking California post punk, shoe-gazing guitar-heavy college indie, Joy Division, and math rock-and smooshing it all together. Kind of.
2. One of my genius ex-students, Eliza Gauger, is, like,
dominating art shows this month (which is exactly right. This thorny, dainty sprite is fucking formidable). I am definately making it to the opening of Anachrotechnofetishism and swinging by her solo show as soon as it’s feasible. I highly recc’ you do too.
3. Another brilliant friend of mine (are you starting to suspect that all my friends are brilliant? Me too), Theresa DeLucci, is now
blogging for Tor.com (she’s been the Advertising & Promotions Manager there for a long time). She is also a fine ass writer of SF (one of my Clarion West classmates) as well as a fine ass lady in general.
4. My BFF has started
drawing comics. Of course, I love them.
5. Today is the start of
National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week. This is a really important issue for me, for personal reasons-I live with two invisible chronic illnesses. It’s difficult, because most of the time I look fine. It just doesn’t mean that I am fine. There are many, many folks out there who have the same experience.