Originally published at
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As for the young punks, it’s so rare that one actually gets it together to say something awesome at the right moment that I want to celebrate and document my latest. So, I get approached my a group of young teenagers, obviously in town for an all ages show, donned in their finest mall punk rock garb (including new Doc Martens)* and demanded I give them money (”You have a job” they said. WTF?)**. Usually, I ignore demands for money, but one particularly PINK young girl with pink Manic Panic hair and a poofy pink skirt kind of stood in my way and kept demanding money.
So, I lost it, just a tad-and loudly replied:
“Get out of my way, Strawberry Shit Cake.”
She got out of my way.
*I, on the other hand, remember when I had to schlep to the post office to get IRCs and International money orders to get Docs from London (s0 O1d sk001)-but that’s not the point. The point is that I was, at that moment, wearing an outfit which, in entirety, cost less than a pair of Docs (thrift store, Payless shoes, and Old Navy. Ahhh, the life of a writer).
**They obviously had good, warm homes in high-tax school districts. When did panhandling become cool? How out of touch am I with the young folk?