
Jul 25, 2006 00:08

nothing new...beat madcows ass in tennis last and doubles...but I only start there cuz...well on the way home my tire decided to become that was the last straw with the car I won way back in 1999...
so I went out that friday(i was off) going to get a jeep, since I always wanted one...then as they got towered by the RAM1500, I changed my mind to that...I test drove a few...came to the realization that I would never be able to affors a new I started looking at used ones...found a couple in my price range...but the when thinking about it..I really wanted a new something...I really didnt want a car, but it seemed if I wanted a new something it would only be a I went out saturday to just look around...and I really like the Honda Civic...test drove one...I loved it...then when looking at the colors possible I found this royal blue that was awesome...but this place didnt have it...blah blah...wheeled and dealed with them....just to get some sort of price with them...well, they through some numbers(later I found out he was lieing to my face, when we got home and calculated them ourselves) so online to find where in the burgh this color it turns out...not many of these are around...find one in wexford...head out to see the color on the is as awesome as to the guy..I try to play hardball...with the numbers this other guy gave me...and he didnt I leave...
so then today my cousin is bored at home (school teacher off for summer) calls a few places that just newly got some civics in(werent online sunday) they dont have the colors posted so he calls...and they got ONE I had to get on that I am calling him, he says he doeasnt do numbers over the all like..I am working late and then I have to roll to a hockey game( which we won, on our way to the finals) and I just plainly say...if you can hit my magic number...Im all over this...he says...ok can I fax you the credit app...he does, I fill it out send it back..he calls later...tells me if i trade my ride in...I can have my number and for less, go ahead and take the long story short...I get my new ride wed night~
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