Jun 18, 2006 10:25
what up fools?My buddy has a full strip set of 2 tickets for each event all star weekend. that is 2 tickets for fan fest at the convention center, 2 tickets for legends and rookie game sunday july 9, 2 tickets for the home run derby on july 10, and 2 tickets for the actual all star game on july 11. the tickets are located in section 130. sweet tickets. He is ONLY SELLING A TOTAL PACKAGE. SO BUY ALL OR NOTHING! He figured He would offer them to his friends before he put them on EBAY. he is asking for $3,500! i know this may seem steep, but not really... on EBAY he could get them for about $4000-$5000. IF U DONT BELIEVE ME CHECK OUT THE BIDS ON EBAY. please let me know if u r interested. thanks alot~