I did it for the lulz

Mar 26, 2007 00:35

tomorrow will be the beginning of PRIDE week at UNCG. this is basically designed to create awareness, tolerance, and understanding of different sexual lifestyles on campus and in the world at large. through some sort of bureaucratic mess-up it has also been designated as morals week by the campus republicans. the irony is very amusing and possibly quite intentional on the part of the republican club on campus. a kind of poster war has already been going on for the past week at the political science building. fliers for both sides have been torn down and replaced throughout the week and, as always, facebook has seen a large amount of coordination from both sides. this will be a delicate week with many opportunities for people on both sides to say and do things that they might later regret. as some of you may know, the university has already received a bad blow to its reputation this weekend. the last thing we need now is biased media from either side all over campus reporting on how it hs a hostile environment for any specific group to receive its higher education (no matter how much you may disagree with either). this is basically a modification of an internet "troll" where the side with the most attention will have "won" regardless of whether or not that attention is favorable. if someone boycotts a PRIDE event they are taking up time they could have spent supporting a republican event. likewise, if someone boycotts a republican event, they are taking time they could have spent supporting a PRIDE event. at the end of the day, the university will simply look at the number of attendees to each event and gauge their importance accordingly. so as you go through the week, please remember that progress doesn't come from attacking the "other cause," it comes from supporting your own.

"It is easy enough to be friendly to one's friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business."
- Mohandas K. Gandhi
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