
Feb 01, 2011 11:50

Last night's conversation:

Terrier: "Are we on the death spiral?"
Me: "I think we are."
Terrier: "Were at -3 and going down. Now would be a bad time to launch an all out offensive against our arch-nemisis."
Me: "Yes, it would."
Terrier: (Leans forward and speaks in hushed tones.) "He's already coming you know."
Me: "I know. Old man winter is a crafty foe."

We are sick. Sick. As in do we have enough energy to make it to the bathroom and back sick. I went down with this last week, and but for the grace of Quils both Day and Ny, would have remained there indefinitely. A never ending font of post-nasal gushing that leads to turned tummies and an endless, hacking, wretching, body churning cough. V went down on Friday, unable to eat, unable to sleep, and too young to medicate. We had two doctors visits and one ER trip in three days. She's now on antibiotic and regular nebulizer to fight of two ear infections and proto-pneumonia. terrier_girl went under on Saturday, same symptoms, unable to take medication due to our friendly neighborhood zygote. By Sunday she was barely able to lift V. Yesterday she could barely move off the couch. Gramma J came to our rescue yesterday, but today we're all alone with the snow.

Thankfully I've already had this bug, so I'm ferrying tea and medicines to my two ladies. But it's snowing hard. I haven't had much sleep. I've got a pile of things to do for work that can't wait gracefully, and the snow just keeps coming.

v, body, terrier, mother nature, family

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