Drive By Update

Apr 07, 2010 11:12

All's fine. V, Dargo, terrier_girl all doing well. V is a happy, babbling crawling 10 month old that is inspiring us to new heights of baby-proofing. She still doesn't sleep through the night, but she wakes fewer times and for less duration, so we're sliding in the right direction. Dargo is very happy about the summer and loves sitting outside and surveying his domain. He hates the baby gates though and hasn't yet mastered making sure he's on the right side of them. Terrier inches toward her PhD. It's hard to say when she's going to be done. Every experiment has about equal odds of producing a brilliant and print-worthy result, or blowing up into a horrible knot of biological complexity, and the middle ground is filled with meh of varying degrees.

The new project at work is going well. It's big and complex. I enjoy engaging my brain. I never sleep well this time of year: the change in light and temperature gets me. So I've been sleeping upstairs for a couple of night and I'm now caught up on my sleep. I find myself missing seminary and trying to figure out when I can start doing volunteer work again. I think I miss doing something worthwhile that's not all thinky-thinky.

But there's piles of stuff on my desk that deserve to be dealt with, and a fair number of items on my punch list after that.

v, sleep, terrier, limits of time and space, watching them grow, family, dargo, work, school

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