
Sep 29, 2009 18:05

How to Stretch a Chicken
Sunday, prepare Roast Chicken with Sage, Sour-Cream-Cheddar-Garlic whipped potatoes, brown sugar glazed carrots and arugala salad with champagne vinaigrette and dried cherries. Serve with sparkling cider. Yum. Monday, pick carcass and turn meat into creamed chicken, put under crust and bake. Serve with reheated potatoes, steamed kale and beer. Today, simmer carcass, remove bones fat and gristle, add diced potatoes, onions and broccoli rabe. Simmer and enjoy.

The Magic of the Pants
My dog is a member of a Cargo Cult. Every morning I get up, put on my jogging clothes and take him to the park. Sometimes I do it in the afternoon instead. He has decided that the key is the pants, every time I put on a pair of pants he thinks he's going to the park. If I go out somewhere nice: new pants=park. If I shower an put on my day clothes: new pants=park. Sit in the hut for a while then wave sticks around on the runway and a cargo plane will land. Change my pants and my dog gets to go to the park.

The Sleepy Monster
V slept from midnight to 6 am. terrier_girl asked me if that qualifies as sleeping through the night. I asked her "Do you feel like you got a full night's sleep?" She said yes. Our baby has officially slept through her first full night.

watching them grow, v, not so guilty pleasures, dargo, family

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