Title: Lavanya Rating: R Pairing: Baekyeol Word Count: Summary: Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt. (Inspired by E.S. Posthumus’s Lavanya) Warning(s): slight homophobia
Fandom: EXO Title: Pull (2/2) Rating: NC-17 Pairing(s): Baekyeol Summary: Baekhyun was in every form of the word - a tease. And also knows how to get what he wants. Warning(s): sex Word Count: 4,172 Previous one-shot: Push ( Read more... )
Fandom: EXO Title: Push (1/2) Rating: NC-17 Pairing(s): Baekyeol Summary: Baekhyun was in every form of the word - a tease. And also good at math. Warning(s): dominate!Baekhyun and just pure porn without plot Word Count: 3,012
Fandom: EXO Title: The Promise Rating: NC-17 Pairing(s): Kaisoo Summary: Kai was created for the purpose of destruction, but sometimes Kyungsoo wondered if that was really true. Word Count: 878