Sep 06, 2004 15:12
yes, our house has survived Frances and the barn too! Our cross country field is a mess, with trees just ripped out of the ground and roots sticking straight up in the air. We have no power, no running water-it was so bad this morning b/c we had to lug buckets and troughs to the water truck so that the horses could have clean fresh water. ugh. the shinges and the two lower barns' tin roofs have indeed blown away. So someone down the road has our roof! WE WANT IT BACK! lol but the main barn (the one Whit is in) stood up just fine. A few oaks crashed through our fences, but when the wind and rain finally let up enough for us all to go out today, the chain saw was started and those trunks disappeared mighty quick. Lets see, Katie's tin roof blew off and her living room now resembles my pool. Which also flooded. But MY HOUSE HAS POWER AND RUNNING WATER AND YES...EVEN HOT SHOWERS! We have a large group of barn people coming over later to use that last mentioned necessity. They had to camp it out at the barn for the last three days and whew...they smell. We all smelled this morning, those stalls were a mess! Florida is a mess. And we have freaking Ivan waiting on the Atlantic coast! jesus christ if he comes ashore at central florida, like frances, and remains a category four...we (my horse, my dog and my family) are refugeeing to and's or buts about it! there is no way we could stick a Four or Five hurricane out at the barn, no way. Two of my friends are travelling back from GA right now. They'll arrive at probably nine'ish' if the traffic (yeah right) isn't bad. ugh. damn huricane.
MEGAN YOU BEST BE BRINGING ME STUFF FROM BURGHLEY WHEN YOU GET BACK-LIKE YOU PROMISED!!!! by the way, hays is fine and as goofy as always. His stall was one of the worst...god, why can't you own a nice neat mare? you should see Marianne's new horse! 'Honey' is this HUGE ASS belgian mare, HUGE!!! She's over eighteen hands! geez. she makes whitaker look like jobi or something! and you know how big and broad Whit is. windmere looks like it was hit bad, kid. good luck. we have power...i don't think your parents do.