Have a great day
fo_poozle!!! :-)
I'm exhausted. Not as much as I was yesterday, although I stayed up to watch "24" until 1 am, so I had less sleep, but I think today was just a little more boring. Today, they showed us how to write letters. But oh, not complete letters, only the header with the address etc. Yeah... Like I haven't done anything like that in the last 5-7 years... So, booooring.
During a break I started another book, by Sebastian Fitzek. My first one by him. Only heard good things about his stuff, so I'm looking forward to read more.
*yawns* Is it weekend yet? ... Oh, btw, my favorite aunt from Kassel will be coming on Saturday again! So yay! It's my other aunt's birthday, so she visits again. :-)
Feels like I haven't done anything for the -land comms I'm in, in a long time. Need to check the list of open challenges I think...
Well, not much new here. Hope you're all well.