Fic [The Vampire Diaries] Tomorrow I will change and today won't mean a thing

Nov 01, 2010 01:39

Title: [The Vampire Diaries] Tomorrow I will change and today won’t mean a thing
Character(s)/Pairing: Matt/Caroline, Matt/Katherine, Stefan
Type/Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU set after 2.06
Word Count: 580
Summary: A new world opens up for Matt.
Notes: Written for tvd_las, round 1, challenge 6 “[character] switches sides”. Title from the song “Bitch” by Meredith Brooks

It had been too easy for Katherine to get to Matt. He was a shiny new toy to her and she could use her influence over him for her evil plans. And it seemed that Katherine always got what she wanted.


When Matt woke up, he felt good but he remembered that Tyler had beaten him up. But everything after those minutes vanished into a blur when he tried to remember.

The door to his room opened, though it wasn’t his room as he observed only then, and Stefan entered slowly and carefully.

“How are you feeling?” He asked.

Matt sat up on the bed and looked at Stefan, confused.

“What’s going on? And where am I?

“You’re in my house.”

“Your house? Why?”

“Something… happened. And I had to bring you here. It was safer.”

“Safer? I don’t… I don’t understand.”

Caroline entered behind Stefan. When she looked at Matt, she had tears in her eyes.

“Caroline? What’s wrong?”

“I’m so sorry, Matt. But I couldn’t… I couldn’t let you…”

“What?” Matt demanded and stood up.

Walking towards Caroline, he felt something rising in himself. A feeling, a hunch, that something about Caroline was different. Something that he hadn’t noticed before. In front of Caroline, he stopped and lightly put his hands on her shoulders.

“You couldn’t what?”

“I couldn’t let you die.” It broke out of her and she let the tears flow.

“I don’t understand one thing you’re saying.”

“Do you feel different? Do you feel this urge to just break out of your body? Do you feel the blood rushing through your head?”

Matt stumbled back, away from her.

“What are you saying? How do you know how I feel? And more important, why am I feeling like this?”

With those thoughts in mind, Matt felt his body change, especially his face. It hurt and he touched his teeth that started to grow.

“What’s happening to me?”

“I’m a vampire, Matt. I should’ve told you long before, but I didn’t know if you understood. You died, Matt. And I turned you. I couldn’t stand the thought of you dead. I’m so sorry. This was the only way.”


Matt was overwhelmed with thoughts and this news, and then he saw his image in a mirror. His disfigured face; and he felt a hunger rise. One so strong like he had never felt before.

He couldn’t take it any longer. He had to get out. He ran by a surprised Caroline, down the stairs and out of the house into the woods.

He must have run so far; he couldn’t see any lights from the house anymore, although it only seemed like seconds that it took him to get away. Then, he heard a familiar voice next to him.

“I must say I’m glad you made it.”


It was strange, he didn’t know her, but around Katherine, Matt felt good, almost home. What he knew from movies or books about vampires, a vampire should feel a certain bond with his maker. In his case, that was Caroline. He had loved Caroline, but as impossible as it must have been, he didn’t feel anything about her anymore.

Before his change, when Katherine used Matt for her plans, she had drunk from him. Although he wasn’t very aware of it then, it must have left a mark deep inside him. Because in his new eternal life, the only person that lived in his head now was - Katherine.

the vampire diaries

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