RP with notrusthumanity

Jun 07, 2009 20:08

Cray: *he was out on the plains not far from the castle, wearing his battle gear and weapons. He was feeling bored with the monotony of the castle and decided to go out in search of soemthing challenging. He was the type to pick the biggest, nastiest monster he could find and attack it...*

Aila: *is sitting by herself on a large rock with her knees almost at her chin, looking out over the plains. Her eyes are red from crying and even now, her sniffles haven't completely died down yet*

Cray: *he takes his crossbow from the strap on his shoulder and aims it for a boar near the rock aila is sitting in, he fires once and te bolt whizzes past her head, hitting the poor creature square in the head, it simple squeals and falls over. Cray looks both surprised and dissappointed at the same time*

Aila: *feels the whiz of an arrow coming past her head and immediately turns around to see where it came from, and is highly bothered that someone would aim so close to another person so they could hit an animal...at least they could have waited until the animal moved or something!* What the...! *she sees who was behind the arrow and her shoulders visibly slump, as if the sight of him was the cherry on the sundae of an already bad day*

Cray: Sorry! Didn't mean to aim so close... *walks over to her* What are you doing out here alone anyway? Something could attack you...

Aila: Oh...Cray....*her eyes water but she fights them back* I have my bow and arrows here...*motions to her left*...but...I needed to just get away from things...*she's wondering if she should even tell him about the twins, considering he doesn't remember them*....I figured that this place was as good as any.

Cray: *raises a brow as she mentions his name* ... Do I know you...? *tries to think but can't recall ever meeting her* ... huh.

Aila: I'm Aila. I'm...Queen's best friend. *pauses and sighs* I'm sorry you don't remember her.

Cray: *frowns* ... Queen? What am I supposed to be remembering...? *no one has mentioned ot him yet about Queen, or anyhting really*

Aila: Well...You married Queen. It's been almost 3 years ago this coming fall. I was at the wedding...it was really nice and everything...*her voice trails off because [wow], this is awkward*

Cray: ... Married? The hell you talking about!? I don't even know her, I... I DIED...aparently...

Aila:  You [died], but then I guess you came back here the first time.  I mean...it's probably a different you that's come back this time but some people remember you from the [first] time you came back, like I do.

Cray: How is that even poosible!? ... Damn if I got married you'd think I'd remember it... *shakes his head* This doesn't make any sense

Aila:  It doesn't make any sense to me either, but...that's how I remember it.  And she loves you more than anything in the world.  I know...I know it's a lot to have to understand, and I shouldn't expect you to, but...it is what it is.

Cray: *frowns again* Loves me huh... *his expression becomes angry and he looks up to glare at aila* what kind of sick joke is this!? I already lost one family, you think it's FUNNY to make out that I lost two!?

Aila:  *glares back, unmoved*  Do you think it's funny to [her] that her babies have died?  Those were your children, too, do you think it's that funny that even if you don't remember [her] that you can't have the least bit of sympathy?  Don't get angry at [me] because you got thrown into a life you don't remember!  *stops herself because she realizes that maaaaaybe she's said too much*

Cray: What!? Babies...? *obviously touched a nerve there* Shut the fuck up! *Shaking by this point* you... you... you're fucking sick!

Aila:  *past any point of self-control now*  And their names were Elyssa and Ivan and they barely know who you are because you went vanishing nearly a year ago and you...even if you didn't know who they were, you should be so flamin' ashamed of yourself to not have any compassion for them at all and [then] go accusing the people who've had to help look after them all of this time for being [sick]?  YOU'RE the sick one!  *starts cursing in Karayan, her eyes not leaving his*

Cray: I would have compassion for thme if I KNEW them! I just showed up here and you expect me to BELIEVE all this...!? How do I know you're not playing some horrible sick joke on me!? There's tons of people who would like to get me good, how do I know you're not one of them!? Ugh... just shut up! .... how the hell am I supposed to take being told I had a wife and two kids...?

Aila:  That's wonderful!  An ENTIRE CASTLE OF PEOPLE WHO LIKE YOU AND RESPECT YOU would just go out of their way to be awful to you!  Ugh, just...just forget it.  *hops off of the rock*  [I] liked you and respected you and I think you're a wonderful person but you're being such an idiot!  I don't want to help someone who doesn't want to help themselves!  *marches off*

Cray: *shouts after her* What the hell do you mean liked and respected me!? I did some horrible things in the past! people HATE me...


Cray: I could still loe someone... if I knew them!


Cray: ... I... What?! How can you expect me to just.... Listen, I'm really sorry... if what you're saying is true then... I'm sorry... if i really did love that woman, I know I would have did all in my power to be with her... But... something seems to have decided otherwise.

Aila: *out of breath from yelling, decides to come a little closer so that she can actually talk instead of yell* Look. Something decided to put you [here], [now]. What you do after that, that's your [choice]. You'd be silly to let anything else decide your life or what you do next for you. We all have choices, Cray. Be brave enough to make yours.

Cray: Choices huh... I wish I had them before, My entire life has been ruled by something I have no control over... *sighs* ... But what should I do now? what CAN I do...? I can't love a stranger. Could you? I know how horrible it is to loose a child.. and a family... and well.. everything! So beleive me when I tell you... It's not that I don't care, it's because I really... can't remember... memory makes the person, memory is who you are. Can you be something you're not? Can you act out a life thats just...not there...

Aila: You're here because through some twist of fate, you're allowed to be. Some power gave you a chance to do things again. It's a matter of taking advantage of it. I don't care what kind of power you had in the past, you have more power in your hands than you know what to do with - you have the power to change what your life was and make it what you want it to be. And you'd be dumb not to do it.

Cray: Well I still need to decide what I'm doing from here on out... Coming here hasn't been easy, and it jot got harder.

Aila: Just...just do [something]. Instead of denying stuff.

Cray: Like what? Does this Queen even want to see the husband who doesn't remember her? Wouldn't it just hurt her more.

Aila:  It might, but...just [talk] to her.  Nothing heals unless it hurts, even the tiniest bit.

Cray: Alright.. I'll talk to her... Can you tell her to come to my room? It's on the bottom floor of the ship...

Aila:  I will.

Cray: Thanks... I relaly don't know what I'm gonna say to her, though... *sits down on a nearby rock and sighs heavilly, mulling over what he's just heard from aila*

Aila: It's okay. I don't know what to say to her, either. It's hard for me to even think about - I watched them grow up, too.

Cray: ...so you said the kids were dead... how did that happen?

Aila: Queen took them on a trip...it was kind of strange, I figured that she would leave them at the castle, but no, she took them with her, and they got sick while they were away and she rushed them back here...*her voice trails off*

Cray: *curses himself inwardly, being an alchemist and toxicologist it's possible he could have made some medicine* .........

Aila: ...but yeah. I'll let her know that you would like to see her.
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