A Crazy Random Happenstance

Jun 19, 2010 10:15


So I've been posting in my journal WAY too much lately, but I had to share this.

Yesterday, when I was getting a ride home with a few friends after hanging out, we're crossing this main road and we see these two little shadows bounding across the way right in front of us.  So you know, we stop the car, wondering what the heck it could be, because they're really really small.

Lo and behold, what do we find, but two tiny adorable little KITTENS!!

So, what were these kittens doing crossing the road??

Well that's a great question.  I don't know.  We're not even sure if they belong to anyone, so we called the police to try and contact a human society or something but they're closed.  (all the meanwhile my friend and I are holding these two tiny kittens, coudln't ahve been more than a  month and a half old.)

And they're mewing and squriming, until the one I was holding fell asleep in the crook of my arm and I nearly DIED of cuteness.  I named it Gerard, after MCR's Gerard Way.  :D  HE WAS SO CUTE.  The other my friend named Torrez, after Fernando Torrez.  :)

Unfortunately I didn't get to keep them, but my friend kept them over night at her house, and she's taking them to the animal shelter right now.  They'll get adopted soon, I know it.  They're way too freaking cute.

But like, WHO does that happen to in life?? What are the odds that I was driving across the road right as these two little kittens were?  And I am SO GLAD nobody hit them.  That woud have been awful.

But I do have a picture or two, and I KNOW you're not supposed to really post pics of yourself on the internet but you can't really see my face, so whatever.  Anyways, the dark brown one is Gerard, and the lighter one is Torrez.  :D :D  

LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And here's me and my friend holding them, so you can see how smal they were.  I'm holding Gerard and she's holding Torrez.

I'll see if I can get another better picture, but there you go!!  Aren't they precious?????

random musings

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