
Jun 07, 2010 12:05

Hello everyone!!!

I'm eating the most delicious salad on the face of the universe right now as I'm typing this, consisting of blackened salmon, gorgonzola cheese, apple slices, toasted pecans, lettuce, and this badass dressing who's name I can't pronounce.  It's chock full of freakin' amazing.

Anywhoozers, let me just update a bit on my life while I eat my beastly salad.

I had two finals today, math and history, and Jesus Christ, they were HARD.  (Well the math SHOULD have been easy, I just didn't study...)  But the History was seriously like 180 questions that I had to answer in an hour and my brain wanted to explode at question 90.

And like I said, I'm SO ANGRY at myself for fucking up the math one, because now I'm sure I got a C on it and now I'm going to have a B in the class.  AND I WAS GOING TO HAVE STRAIGHT A'S!!!


BUT.  The good news is that this means school is almost over!!  Just three more days and one more final and I'm DONE for the year.  WOO!  And after that I'll have so much more free time to do more activites!!!  *movie quote fail, guess which one?*

So yes.  So now that my brain is melted and I killed myself over school for the whole year I think I deserve this amazing salad (which is still awesome btw) and then I'm probably going to eat myself a big fat donut to reward myself for getting good grades.  Hey, someone has to congratulate me if no one else does, so whatever.  I haven't eaten a freaking donut since like December.

SO.  I guess that's all I have to rant about.  Just know that on Thursday I'M FREE.

*cheers*  :D 

random musings

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