Today Vindication is Spelled P-O-O-H

May 20, 2010 21:46



So this is just a little anecdote from my trip along with some other useless facts.

So I suppose I'll start out with the title of this post, and what it means and how much of a weird loser I am.  I'm just warning you, don't judge me okay??

Pooh.  He's probably the greatest Disney character in the whole entire world, and actually happens to be MY favorite character, has been since I was 4 years old, and still is.  So when I was but a mere 6 years old and went to Disney with my family, I was super excited to go to the Pooh luncheon and meet all the characters, and I think I seriously wet myself when Pooh signed my dinky little autograph book with his red crayon.  It was probably the greatest moment of my life.

Until some stupid mouse signed OVER my Pooh autograph only 10 minutes later and my entire dream shattered in front of my eyes.  But Pooh was gone, and all hope was lost.  So I left Disney World, crushed and sobbing my head off, thinking I'd never get another chance.

BUT.  Just last week I was in Disney World and I made it my mission to see Winnie at all costs.  And I did just that.  I stalked out the Toy Soldier toy store that he was going to be visiting with children and I WAITED there for the half an hour before he came and I bravely stood there with all of the moody 6 year olds and their parents until Pooh came out.

And then there he was, in all of his red shirted, yellow furred glory.  He was amazing.  I felt like I was 6 years old again, proudly shoving my autograph book in his face and watching with the biggest grin on my face while he signed it.  Once again, it was the greatest moment of my life.  And I held that grin as the camera man snapped  the picture and I hugged that sweaty man inside the costume (who I was taller than btw) and told him how much of an idol Pooh has been to me all of my life.  (the Tao of Pooh anyone?)

Vidication is a sweet sweet thing my friends.  I believe I could die at this very moment and be fulfilled.  That's how complete my life is right now.

So that was the crowning moment of my Disney World trip, but there were several other amazing things that happened.

Aladdin made an innapropriate joke about his "snake" to me, and it was absolutely EPIC.

There was a BEATLES STORE, where I got this really awesome new t-shirt and an absolutely adorable flip book where you flip it and all of the Beatles morph into each other.  :D  It's so cute.

I met THREE Disney princessess and got autographs and pics with all of them and went on the Winnie the Pooh ride and watched several amazing shows in all of the parks.  :)

Oh AND.  I was seriously 10 feet away from Tom Felton and the rest of the HP characters when I walked through the Harry Potter Theme park.  :D

But then I missed Fantasmic, my feet wanted to crumble beneath me, I was probably the greasiest I've ever been on that 22 hour bus ride when I couldn't shower for two whole days, and I wanted to die when I had to march in 95 degree weather with a full band uniform and I almost passed out. And then I broke down and cried for a half hour when I lost this bag of 35 dollar merchandise and from all the stress.  And now I can't look at any of the people I shared a bus with because I'm so sick of them, but hey, it was great.  :P

So I slept for 13 straight hours and here I am right now, tan and back from the epic band trip of 2010.

It was good while it lasted, but I'm happy as hell to be back. 

random musings, the beatles

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