Oct 16, 2006 00:23
believe it or not, i have, in the past 24 hours, received 14 invitations to be a pen pal from people who can't read. because, if they could read, they would have said...hmmm...look at that. wrong equipment. this girl's profile says she's only interested in a female penpal, and i am clearly lacking in sufficient quantities of ESTROGEN. GOD, men are dumb. < /rant >
having decided that i'd like someone of my sort, except on the other side of the planet, with which to correspond from time to time. sounds fun. learn about another culture, etc.
on the upside, i did get ONE girl who got it right. so now i have a pen pal over in germany, huzzar. this shall be fun, indeed. i had to cover the entire right side of the envelope in Green Lantern stamps and PAR AVION to make it go, but I'm excited. :)
all in all a good weekend. and, um. isignedupforguildwarstodayZOMGihavegonetothedarksidesomeonepleasethrowmearopeoramesmer'sstaffkthx. :X! i tried to make a pretty name for my elementist and accidentally ended up calling her 'of soybean' in spanish. that'll teach me. de soja, ha! DEAR GOD, i'm such a girl somtimes. :|
i am a happy hannah. yep. :)
ps. my sister is coming to chicago i can't wait! squeee no more gilmore girls late at night it's worse than the child of caffeine and sugar plus two to the power of DONUT.