I don't have tonnes of time to post this week. We just conducted a second inventory in my store nine days after the first because the first was that bad. It was also the incoming manager inventory, which is good. I didn't care much for Joey. His age and life (in)experiences showed through in his management style too much. Somehow he finagled a promotion, and I'm just glad that he's someone else's problem now. New guy seems cool. I'll maybe write up first impressions of him when I actually see him work some. But from the inventory, I learned that he knows his stuff. I mean, he was able to name The Last Starfighter after seeing only a 5-10 second clip of it, and place it near the end of the movie after they'd already used the big weapon. Good stuff.
bluefaith and I are off to Boston for Mystery Hunt in a few hours. Wish us luck! We will be back on Tuesday, and I'll try to post about that and many other things around then. Otherwise, have a meme which totally sucks:
Friends and FamilyA+
Finance / CareerC
Your Life's Average Grade: A
'What is your Life Grade?' at
QuizGalaxy.com It's kinda obvious on all the questions. There's no deep probe here