Early night last night, that felt late. Getting up at six to horf a quick breakfast of polish pastries and coffee with family, then packing and driving for five hours, working for eight, and feeling rather obligated to play a little bowling on my house mate's wii was a longer day than I thought. I'll try to post pics of my family peoples (and doggies!!!) later.
Over dinner with my family my mother asked if people had any new year's resolutions. Weight and health seemed to be a big trend in what they were saying. "I want to lose 10 pounds by summer and keep it off." "I want to run more." Doable, manageable, uninteresting to me. I didn't speak up because I hadn't thought on it except for once, deliriously early before work a day or two before heading up to NJ. DC101 had some filler while the regulars were on vacation and they were talking about general goals instead of impossible resolutions. One stood out that I like, and I may consider it a good general goal and theme for the new year. "Write more," they said. Scribe handwritten letters, notes to friends, stuff like that. I don't know how much I'll be up for that; though undoubtedly my penmanship would frighten most of you and maybe improve if I kept up with it. Looking over my LiveJournal for the past year, it may have been a resolution from the transition to 2006, too. I wrote tonnes in the start of the year and have petered out in the later months.
I like to write, is the thing. I don't think I have much talent for narrative or prose, but I enjoy doing it. Things like nanowrimo (or whatever they're called) don't appeal to me because there's too much pressure as if I were training for a marathon or a career in it. I'd much rather just spout off random opinions and personal insights.
Also, I want to do ballroom again.
igasu is too far away most of the year, and is usually my drive to get out and dance. But without a regular dance partner, or even people in my core social groups wanting to go out on a semi-regular basis, it's tough. So, who would be interested in a workshop or two by Ray and I before she heads out of town and maybe going out dancing a couple times? We both recommend a couple of teachers and lessons aren't too unaffordable -- the time commitment is about one evening a week and one friday or saturday evening every couple weeks. I may be taking a beginners lesson again if there are enough people interested -- though maybe as a follower instead of a lead. Let me know soon, so we can organize something.