In which there are innocent water, an executive committee of volcanoes, and birthdays as metaphors

Nov 18, 2016 20:54

- I have salmonella poisoning from bagged salad, which is very timely according to BBC News online, bah. I'm rehydrating with a free litre of "Innocent" coconut water I was given by the supermarket.

- Never let USians be in charge of our planet!!1!! And if you need more proof than the recent election result, or the majority of white* USians pretending climate change isn't true, then I refer you to the range of five mountainous volcanoes in the Antarctic that they named the Executive Committee Range. Obviously Brits have in the past roamed the globe giving ridiculous English names to stuff that mostly already had perfectly good local names but at least we never called a majestic natural feature the Executive Committee [thing] (although evidence of any and all terrible names imposed on stuff will be gleefully accepted in comments, obv). I'm now wondering if the collective noun for volcanoes is an executive commitee of volcanoes.

* Correction added by special request. ;-)

- Reading, books 2016, 203

179. I been there, sort of: New and Selected Poems, by Mervyn Morris, 2006, is the book in which Mr Morris' poetry truly began to be significantly more hit than miss for me. (4/5)

• Sunday morning: to the chapel
after breakfast off we go,
dressed to kill in suit and tie
(we're extras in the Sunday show),
to pray and otherwise perform
as reverential prodigies,
sing the hymns and look fulfilled,
no matter what the message is.

• Birthdays, by Mervyn Morris

The game is metaphor.
'Birthdays: reassuring corners
in the long, dark room of time.'

'Reminder knots,' another voice
proposes. 'Birthdays are reminders
time is heartless, beauty fades.'

There is no string of time
unravelling till the end is cut,
only a dark pool swirling -
letters, matches, galliwasps,
toothpaste tubes and railway tickets,
myriad markers from our lives
in seminal confusion, falsified
by cuckoo-clocks and calendars.

I, celebrating birthdays
in the whirlpool, dream:
something will grow in time.

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xtianity, sensawonder, poetry, lexicophilia, consumption, book reviews, collagen hates me, hackery, caribbeana, literature

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