- There's a row of maple trees near me, that appear to have been planted at the same time, and as autumn progresses one end is wholly green while the middle is half green / half yellow and the other end is wholly yellow, in a perfect gradated sequence. And, now that the leaves are more off than on most trees, the copper beeches have turned their stunning coppery shades of orange and red.
- I live in Camelot according to
xkcd 1759. Nuff said!
- I was dragooned into Lidl and then forced to buy advocat liqueurs, despite liking neither advocat or liqueurs, because my friends all wanted to try them but chickened out and bought brandy instead. They then proceeded to eat ALL my advocat liqueurs (which, to be fair, were nicer than their cheapo brandy chocs).
- Y'know Flanders and Swann of the Gasman Cometh, Slow Train, A Song of Patriotic Prejudice, and "Mud glorious mud" fame, amongst many others? Well, I knew Mr Swann also wrote other music but it hadn't penetrated that he wrote a
song cycle setting Tolkien's lyrics (22min utu) in a relatively pleasant and undemanding mid-20th century English classical song idiom, and
Bilbo's Last Song (6min utu) which wasn't originally part of the sequence. There is another
utu playlist of an older recording with Donald Swann at the piano but I find William Elvin's singing in English excessively affected (although possibly that's my problem and he's merely singing classical style in his Scottish voice). He also wrote an opera of CS Lewis' novel Perelandra and
this article includes three very short extracts from Perelandra as audio files (scroll down) but they're only worth chasing for curiosity value.
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