In which there are a toy boatman, dancing puppets, superheroes, and a supervillain

Sep 25, 2016 16:28

- I was piloted by a toy along the River Dart.

- "When we are dancing the museum is open": nothing creepy about this fashion museum at all, no, nope....

- Lego supports my supervillain ambitions in email: "Your Early Access to the Death Star™ starts now!"

- Reading, books 2016, 163

157. New Avengers, vol.2, Standoff, by Al Ewing and various artists, 2016, is a collection of issues #7-11 of an ongoing comic. I adore Al Ewing and his terrible puns and, while the art isn't as good as the writing, each artist brings something good in their own style. This is the volume with a LITERAL catfight between White Tiger and... White Tiger featuring zero annoying catfight cliches, the premier of Todd Ziller the American Kaiju (and internet meme marine), Wanda Maximoff as Billy's embarrassingly hippy MILF, Squirrel Girl versus the Plunderer (who should change his name to the Pun-derer), overenthusiastic AIM minion Larry, and Roberto Da Costo continuing to be everyone's favourite evil mastermind (well, mine anyway). And can I hear a HECK, YES, HELLO SAM GUTHRIE?! (4/5 ♥ Al Ewing ♥ )

159. Faith, vol.1, Hollywood and Vine, by Jody Houser, Francis Portela, and Marguerite Sauvage, is a collection of a short four comic story featuring plus-sized superheroine Zephyr, aka Faith Herbert, aka Summer Smith, last seen with the Renegades team in Harbinger comics. Faith is fat, but otherwise conventionally pretty with blonde hair and blue eyes, she's a skiffy fangirl, and she's also a "psiot" with telekinetic powers including flight / shielding / moving objects. She lives in LA, has a dayjob as a content writer for an entertainment website, and an all-the-time hobby of superheroics saving puppies and fellow psiots. She's also so chirpy that even I find her mildly irritating, although that is offset by her constant nerdly skiffy references including obsessing about Doctor Who and even using the Red Dwarf insult "Smegheads". This comic is, of course, riffing off the more upbeat moments of Superman, amongst other better known characters, but also reminds me of Andi Watson's Love Fights, lol. I probably shouldn't admit the delightful cover made me giggle for reasons. (4/5 there's now an ongoing series and the second trade will be out later this year)

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book reviews, in-jokes, skiffy (non-who), literature, lego, americana, so british it hurts, comics

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